Day one--Arriving Bleary--April 30, 2024!


After navigating the cattle call of airport customs (self-scanning passport in optical reader for entry into France, then seeing a grainy realtime B/W video of my face taken to allow advancing to perfunctory stamping by a human of a blank page in my passport, I found my checked bag and then took a long long stroll within a crowd from all over the world, some pushing carts of huge amounts of baggage, toward RER train ticketing, up and down escalators, ever wary of theives (none apparently that day).  

The sky was "bas et lourd comme un couvercle" to quote Baudelaire in Spleen, while his poem describes depression, I was jubilant despite the dim heavily overcast list of the morning.

Selfie on Île de la Cité with newly purchased scarf attempting to look a bit more local.


  1. Wow. I am envious, Joanna. Actually. Will you be there 3 months or one?

  2. Wait. I am not anonymous. Je suis Singe!


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